"The most important thing that my anthropology degree has given me is the capacity to critically reconsider a variety of issues, and the confidence and experience to express my thoughts. During my degree I helped out on two Wales Anthropology Days and on a London Anthropology Day. Volunteering for these events has improved my organisation and social skills, and has introduced me to many wonderful people. My career plans are currently rather fluid, but I’m considering careers in teaching, or perhaps becoming an advisor to a foreign government on economic and development issues."



"Studying anthropology at university has provided me with an understanding of the endless possibilities with which we can explore different aspects of ourselves and the world around us. One of the most important things I have learned during my degree is that you can never stop learning by listening to others. Anthropology has taught me to be a lot less opinionated and more open minded and confident in social situations. I hope to use these skills to work in policy consultancy, particularly in the defence sector or in a transnational organisation such as the UN."

"I decided to study anthropology after completing a degree in Environmental Science. I felt that since many of the environmental problems facing us today were created by people, that the solutions lie in working with, and understanding people. During my degree, I undertook interviews, gave presentations and learned new listening techniques. I feel these skills have made me more confident in social situations and better at perceiving subtle exchanges between individuals. I wish to apply my anthropological knowledge in working with environmental organisations to design and implement conservation initiatives that support and are supported by local communities."



"I think that quite a few students believe that selecting one degree over another will secure a profession and overlook the fact that the skills you learn during your degree are often far more valuable to employers. I chose to study anthropology at university because I want to remain flexible in my career choice. I find it a very interesting subject that combines my interest in biology and working with people, and believe that it will give me the skills I need to undertake my own research in the future."


As an undergraduate anthropology student, I developed a deeper more holistic understanding of cultural similarities and differences. I gained skills in critical analysis, the ability to formulate an argument, and most importantly, how to understand myself and the people around me. Whilst studying, I took part in a study abroad programme in Canada. The exchange was an amazing opportunity to experience different modules of anthropology and what it’s like living and studying abroad. I hope to find a job in international development or within the public sector, perhaps as a museum curator.



The first time I thought about studying anthropology was when I learned about Native Americans in GCSE History. I found I was more interested in their culture practices and traditions, rather than significant historical events. I feel that studying anthropology will allow me to gain the understanding and skills that will help me integrate more easily into different societies. After my degree, I hope to work for an NGO doing international development work.



"The greatest thing about pursuing a career in anthropology is that it can be about any topic imaginable, just as long as you learn to master the theory, research and observational methods of the field. I find it liberating that I can combine all of my interests in human rights, gender, youth and identity issues together. As a student, I constantly sought opportunities that engaged me with practical understandings of these themes that I now wish to explore with an anthropological eye. By pursuing master’s and PhD degrees, I plan to pursue a career in research, visual anthropology and eventually academia. My passion for visual anthropology lies in the fact that I believe it uses the most effective tool to reach the general public and will thus allow for an international understanding of humanity."