This policy sets out how Discover Anthropology makes use of any personal data or information you submit to the website. The Royal Anthropological Institute is committed to the lawful and correct treatment of ‘personal data’ as defined and set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.
Your personal data
In order to help us provide information on our services, responses to queries, or publication of your teaching/learning materials, we may ask for your name, e-mail, phone number or postal address.
How we use and protect your data
We will use the personal information you provide in order to respond to queries, deliver services or information you have requested, publish your contributions to the website, or provide you with the opportunity to receive updates on our activities, publications or services.
If you take part in any of our case study profiles, interviews or surveys, under our agreement we may publish personal histories, career trajectories or other personal information that is relevant to the website.
We will not pass on your information to any external or third parties, unless we have stated we will do so as part of the terms and conditions of a certain project, or for data processing purposes. This will be made clear at the time of providing your information.
Contributing teaching/learning materials to the website:
By submitting any images, stories, teaching and learning materials to the website you agree that:
- Any material you provide is your own or you have the owner’s permission to use it, and that it does not breach any copyright laws.
- Discover Anthropology reserves the right to turn down any submissions that are irrelevant or inappropriate to the website. The RAI can edit your material in order to make it suitable for the website.
- Material you submit can be used in other related RAI educational outreach activities or publications. You will be notified in advance if this happens and youtrpermission will be sought for the use of your name and material. You will be given the opportunity to decline if you so wish.
- You will retain copyright of your work and are free to use it elsewhere.
- At any point you can ask Discover Anthropology to remove/edit or update any material you have previously submitted to the website.